Contact Us

    School Contacts

    School contacts

    (604) 713-5159
    School Code: 86#

    Address: 4170 Trafalgar Street Vancouver, BC  V6L 2MS
    Phone: (604) 713-5475
    Principal: Daniel Bélanger
    Vice-Principal: Kateryna McNicol


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    Latest News

    2023 – 2024 Coffee Morning Activity Plan

    At the beginning of the new semester, we plan to continue holding coffee morning activities, so that more parents can communicate with the school and each other. Oct 10 Tuesday 8:45 - 9:45 AM.  Budget: $100 Number of people in the event: 30 Nov 16  Thursday 8:45 -...

    Sports Day!

    Dear Community, This years Sports Day is on Friday June 9th from 9:30am-2pm, parents are invited to attend and watch on the grass field. In working with the school we are making this our first ever Green Sports Day, no disposable water bottles, we will have a City of...