We are excited to have our hot lunch back after three years!
Our student volunteers from grade 5-7 will deliver the food to their classes and will help with the delivery to all primary classes.
To make this a success, please make sure to put appropriate cutlery in the kids lunch bags and let your child bring the leftovers and the packaging back home in their lunch bags.
If you haven’t signed up yet, you can still do so and place your orders for future hot lunch days.
NEW parents need to register here: https://munchalunch.com/schools/trafalgar
RETURNING parents can go directly to the login page: https://munchalunch.com/login
Please set up your account by logging into the above website, and let the system guide you through. If you are already registered, please update your child’s division.
We are excited for this relaunch of our Hot Lunch program and we are looking forward to the Trafalgar community’s support.
我们非常高兴这个星期二终于迎来三年以来第一个热午餐日,是热狗日!我们的义工是5-7年级的学生,他们将会负责派送⻝物给所有低年级的同学们。 为了使这取得成功,请在孩子们的午餐包里放置适当的餐具。如果你还没注册订餐,现在仍然可以做,请登录上述网站,如果你已注册,请更新你孩子的班级部⻔。我们非常期待热午餐的新启动,我们也很期待Trafalgar 社区的支持。