Hot Lunch Information!
We are excited to have our hot lunch back after three years!
Our student volunteers from grade 5-7 will deliver the food to their classes and will help with the delivery to all primary classes.
To make this a success, please make sure to put appropriate cutlery in the kids lunch bags and let your child bring the leftovers and the packaging back home in their lunch bags.
If you haven’t signed up yet, you can still do so and place your orders for future hot lunch days.
NEW parents need to register here:
RETURNING parents can go directly to the login page:
Please set up your account by logging into the above website, and let the system guide you through. If you are already registered, please update your child’s division.
We are excited for this relaunch of our Hot Lunch program and we are looking forward to the Trafalgar community’s support.
我们非常高兴这个星期二终于迎来三年以来第一个热午餐日,是热狗日!我们的义工是5-7年级的学生,他们将会负责派送⻝物给所有低年级的同学们。 为了使这取得成功,请在孩子们的午餐包里放置适当的餐具。如果你还没注册订餐,现在仍然可以做,请登录上述网站,如果你已注册,请更新你孩子的班级部⻔。我们非常期待热午餐的新启动,我们也很期待Trafalgar 社区的支持。
Trafalgar School Band is Back! / Trafalgar 学校乐队回来了!
After a long pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to resume the Trafalgar Band in-person this year! Erin Marks – our beloved band teacher – will be returning to provide fabulous and fun instructions. A second band teacher who focuses on brass instruments will be joining Erin to teach our band.
2022-23 Rehearsal schedule – rehearsals will take place in the Activity Room twice a week: Monday 7:50 – 8:50 am and Wednesday 7:50 – 8:50 am. There will be 57 rehearsals starting from Wednesday Oct 12, 2022 to Wednesday June 14, 2023. We are also planning to have a Christmas concert and a school year-end concert for the school community.
Eligibility – Any grade 4 to 7 music loving student is welcome. No musical background is required.
Fees – Tuition fees will be collected to cover the activity room rental, liability insurance, teacher’s salaries and music supplies. The amount is TBD and will depend on the final enrollment.
Registration and Waiver of Liability Agreement Forms – The forms can be filled out online here:
Instrument Selection – Students can choose from one of the following:
- Woodwind: Clarinet, Flute, Oboe
- Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn*, Baritone/Euphonium
*French Horn students are strongly recommended to seek additional 1:1 private lessons.
Students who are interested in percussion (e.g., drums, triangle, xylophone, etc.) are required to learn a woodwind or brass instrument. Each student will take turns to play during the rehearsal.
The registration form requests that the parent specifies a first, second and third choice of instrument. We will make every effort to honour the first choice, but we want to make sure the band has a balance of instruments. Ideally, there will be at least 3 of each instrument except for percussion.
Instrument Rental – If you need to arrange an instrument rental, we recommend going to Tapestry Music. Information about their instrument rental options is available on their website ( and the rentals can be arranged on-line. Instrument pick up is at their Vancouver location (4440 West 10th Avenue). Another great option is Long & McQuade – Both companies are well versed in working with school bands, and offer rent-to-own programs if that is of interest.
Email us at if you have any questions!
Covid-19大流行⻓期以来,我们很高兴今年恢复Trafalgar乐队! Erin Marks – 我们心爱的乐队教师 – 将带孩子们踏上美妙有趣的音乐之旅。专注于⻩铜乐器的第二座乐队老师将加入ERIN教导我们的乐队。排练时间表 – 排练每周两次活动室: 星期一上午7:50 – 8:50和周三上午7:50-8:50。 从2022年10月12日星期三到2023年6月14日星期三,一共57个排练日。我们还计划有一个圣诞节音乐会和学校社区的学校年终音乐会。欢迎任何4至7年级学生参加。 不需要音乐背景及基础。费用 – 将收取学费,以涵盖活动室租 赁,责任保险,教师的工资和音乐用品。 金额是TBD,并将取决于最终的注册人数。 注册和责任豁免协议表格 – 该表格可以在这里在线填写:。
乐器选择 – 学生们可以在以下的乐器里选一个:
- 木材⻛:单簧管,⻓笛,双簧管
- ⻩铜:小号,⻓号,法国喇叭*,Baritone / Euphonium
对撞击感感兴趣的学生(例如,鼓, 三⻆形,木琴等)需要学习木⻛或⻩铜仪器。 每个学生都会在排练期间 轮流授课。父母可以在注册表选择第一选项,第二和第三选择。 我们将尽一切努力遵循您的第一选择,但我们希望确保乐队的乐器分配均匀。 理想情况下,除了打击乐外,每种乐器中将至少有3个孩子学习。有关他们的乐器租赁选择的信息可在其网站上找到。
乐器领取是位于温哥华4440 West 10th Avenue。另一个很好的选择是Long & McQuade –。 两家公司都熟悉学校乐队,并提供租赁或购买服务。 如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至。
Junior Choir (K-3) will rehearse once a week on Tuesdays from 3 – 4pm, starting September 27. The Senior Choir will have rehearsals every Thursday from 3 – 4 pm, starting September 29. The conductor, Ms. Catherine Crampoline, has been leading Trafalgar Choir for many years pre pandemic and we are lucky to have her back!
The cost is $12 per session and there will be 11 sessions in the Fall semester (September – December).
This extracurricular choral music program is led by the DPAC Music Working Group. For more information and registration go to or contact Trafalgar coordinator, Katerina Tokmak, at
少年合唱团(K-3)将从9月27日开始,每周二下午3-4点排练一次。从9月29日开始,高级合唱团将于每周四下午3-4点进行排练。指挥家Ms Catherine Crampoline多年来一直领导我们学校的合唱团,我们很幸运,她又回来了!每学期费用为12加币,秋季学期(9-12月)将有11次课程。这个课外合唱音乐项目是由DPAC音乐工作小组领导的。欲了解更多信息和注册,请访问。组织/音乐或联系学校协调员 Katerina Tokmak,她的邮箱是
Registration will be open on Thursday, September 15 at 8:00am
Welcome to a New School Year!
Dear Trafalgar Families,
It is that time of year again! To our returning families, we can’t wait to see you and hear all about your summer adventures. To our new families, we extend a very warm welcome, we are confident that you will find our school a fun, inclusive and energetic space to grow and learn.
For now, we would like to share with you some important information about the first day back to school and what to expect within the first week.
Next Tuesday, September 6th, all Trafalgar students will need to be prepared to attend school from 8:55am to 10 am. Please carefully follow the guidelines below:
- Parents, please keep child(ren) at home if they are sick and call the school safe arrival line 604-713-5179 extension #86. Please note we have a new Office Administrative Assistant, her name is Justine Doiron.
- Masks continue to be optional; social distance at your own discretion and please let your teachers know. We are a caring community that respects personal boundaries.
- In the morning, all students are asked to line up outside the designated doors until a teacher picks them up. Please refer to attached map for the different entrances that are highlighted. All students grades 1 to 7, please go to your last year’s classroom teacher. The following teachers and rooms have changed:
- Ms. Schoen’s students, please go to Ms. Wallace (Room 112)
- Ms. Goodison’s students, please go to Ms. Dunfield (Room 113)
- Mme Asad’s students please line up outside Room 103
- Mr. Fleming has moved to Room 104
- Ms. Nosyk has moved to Room 105
- New Late French Immersion grade 6, please go to the gym using the main entrance.
- All newcomers, please come through the main entrance and go to the gym.
- All new Kindergarten students, please follow the separate email for specific instructions
Beginning Wednesday, September 7th regular school hours will resume beginning at 9 am to 3:03pm daily. Please bring a bagged lunch, healthy snack and a water bottle for those days. Kindergarten students, you have already received a separate letter outlining the gradual entry schedule. Please note this schedule is only for Kindergarten and not siblings in grades 1 and up.
Once we get our school numbers organized, we will send you more information about the transition to your child(ren)’s new classroom(s). Please watch out for that email later next week.
In addition to emails from the office, you can also access school information and updates via your PAC newsletters. Please sign up for your newsletters through the website
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
D. Belanger and H. Pham-Fraser,
Trafalgar Admin Team