Budget & Financial Statements


2023-2024 Financial Report

January 2024 Financial Report

PAC Financial statement 2023 – 2024 first term 

November 2023 Financial Report

PAC Budget APPROVED 2023-2024


PAC Mini Budget 2022 – APPROVED

PAC Budget 2022_23 Approved

PAC Financials Sept 2022-Jan 2023 – Financial Report

Treasurer’s Report PAC AGM 2022-2023

PAC-Financials-2022-2023 Financial-Report


PAC-Financials-2021-2022 Financial-Report


PAC Monthly Financials 2020 – 2021


PAC Monthly Financials 2018 – 2019

PAC Financial Statement – cumulative

PAC Financial Statement – PDF – as of Mar 30 2019

Trafalgar PAC Draft Budget 2018-19-with comparison


PAC Budget 2017-2018 – APPROVED

PAC Financial Statement – September 2017 – DRAFT

PAC Financial Statement – Nov 2017 – APPROVED

PAC Financial Statement – Cumulative – June 2018










PAC Financial Statements for 2015-2016 School Year

PAC Budget for 2015-2016 School Year


PAC Budget for 2014-2015 School Year

PAC Financial Statement for June 2015 APPROVED


PAC Financial Statements for 2013-2014 School Year

PAC Budget for 2013-2014 School Year


PAC Financial Statements 2012-2013 School Year

PAC Budget 2012 to 2013 School Year

Sources of Funds

For several years, the main fundraising activities of the PAC have included the direct donation drive (held in September and October), provincial grant monies (usually received in September), International Dinner (held in the spring) and hot lunch (held throughout the year). Other fundraising activities are sometimes undertaken but are intended more for the service they provide to the PAC community than a major funding effort (eg, family photo night, magazine sales). The PAC has chosen to make the direct donation drive the primary fundraiser for the school to avoid having too many small fundraisers throughout the year. This also leaves time and availability for other fundraising sub-groups such as the Quebec Trip and the Grad class.

Two of the primary sources of revenue are the annual direct appeal and the provincial grant. The DIRECT APPEAL occurs in September/October of each school year to raise a substantial amount of revenue for the school. The direct appeal provides an opportunity for parents to receive a tax receipt for money donated. Donations are deposited by the PAC and later processed as a donation to the Vancouver School Board (VSB). The VSB creates the tax receipts which are then forwarded to the school/PAC for distribution in February/March of the school year. PAC direct appeal donations are confidential. In order to qualify for tax receipts, the direct appeal must be optiona and there can be no personal benefit derived from making the donation.

The PAC applies for a GOVERNMENT GAMING GRANT annually in June. Grant monies are received in September but are restricted in their use. PACs may only use grant funds within BC for eligible disbursements that benefit students by enhancing the extracurricular opportunities such as student computers (including software, hardware and accessories), uniforms and equipment for extracurricular activities, sports equipment or playground equipment. Grant monies must be fully disbursed within 36 months of the receipt of the grant money. Grant funds must remain under the management and control of the PAC that receives them. Funds cannot be used for, or transferred to, curricular purposes or to schools or school districts, or any of their activities or programs. The PAC Treasurer(s) submits an annual report to the government on the use of grant funds.

Uses of Funds

The major categories of expenditures are listed below:

  1. Appreciation/Gifts/Condolences
    appreciation lunch (usually held in April), holiday break and yearend gifts for the Principal, Vice Principal, Secretaries and Janitorial Staff; any other gifts for parent appreciation or staff condolences
  2. Educational Presentations
    Money set aside to book speakers to help educate the parents and/or children about appropriate elementary school topics.
  3. Greening
    Provides money to assist in the development and use of outdoor garden areas which enhance the school and provide opportunities for students to play, learn and develop a genuine respect for nature.
  4. Miscellaneous
    Includes miscellaneous expenditures for banking, kitchen supplies, GST rebate, DPAC membership, meeting supplies, administrative supplies (eg, printing and photocopying).
  5. New School Enhancements
    Includes improvements to the school such as murals, sculptures, painting which enhance the physical school environment for the kids.
  6. Parent Participation/School Social Functions
    Provides funding for social events such as welcome back coffee, coffee with the Principal, movie night, holiday band, astronomy night and other PAC-related social events.
  7. Performing Arts
    Supports the teacher-led planning and booking of 5-6 performing arts presentations to be made to the school throughout the year.
  8. School Safety
    Includes items necessary to help administer a safer environment for parking and dropping kids off at the school, including vests, cones and traffic signs.
  9. Teacher Discretionary Funds
    rovides funding to each teaching FTE in the school. These funds are to be used for non-curricular items such as classroom “prizes”, extra books or DVD’s and are completely left to the discretion of the teacher.
  10. Teacher’s Wish List
    The majority of the PAC expenditures are allocated to the school for use in the priority areas as identified by the Principal and school staff. Although these may change from year to year (ie, depending on the school plan), the following categories are often used:
    1. Learning Resources: Art supplies, extra books, materials, supplies as required. Teachers request learning resource money through the school budget request process.
    2. Literacy (Library): Books for the library, including French and English books, literary presenters. Our librarian, Madame Elly, is responsible for the use of this fund.
    3. Physical Education: Sports equipment including balls, sticks, nets, ropes, etc. Teachers request PE equipment through the school budget request process.
    4. Technology: Computers, printer supplies (toner), smart boards, document cameras, projectors and related technological items to enhance the educational experience of the kids. The Technology Committee reviews the current technology (including input from the district on the direction of technology in the schools) and evaluates technology requests from teachers to make recommendations on the use of these funds.
      Specific allocation of the Teacher’s Wish List funds within the categories described above is entrusted to the Principal of the school.

Budgeting Process

After the grant money and the direct donation monies have been received in the fall, the Budget Committee meets to prepare a draft budget of the expenditures of the PAC money. This draft budget is presented at the following PAC meeting (usually in November) and is voted on as presented or as amended at the meeting. In determining the expenditure of PAC funds it is important to keep in mind that PAC monies are intended to be used to benefit the entire school, not just one area or interested party.

Each year, the planned expenditure of the PAC money is prepared from a zero-based budgeting position. That is, PAC budget is not carried over from year to year. The purpose of this approach is to ensure that a particular prior PAC cannot obligate the use of money for future PAC’s (due to the changing nature of the composition of the PAC membership). Clearly, money earmarked for a particular use that was not spent would be considered to be included in the following year’s budget if it is still required, recognizing the intention of the use of those funds. In the same way, money raised with a specific stated goal should be included in the following year’s budget with that same goal in mind (eg, money raised by each graduation class is left for the following year’s graduation class).

The budget of expenditures presented and voted on in the fall does not aim to spend all of the PAC revenue available. In particular, approximately $10,000 is withheld in each year’s budget to have on hand in September of the following year. This money is typically voted on in the September PAC meeting and is used primarily for Teacher’s Discretionary Funds (an amount allocated to each teaching FTE in the school to be used at the teacher’s discretion) and the Performing Arts Budget (a teacher-led planning and booking of 5-6 performing arts presentations to be made to the school throughout the year). Other major PAC initiatives where the intention is for the funds to be carried over would also be excluded from the money available for expenditures (eg, this year we are holding over $20,000 towards the replacement of our playground at a future date). In addition, the expenditures presented in the budget in November might not be designed to use the entire remaining amount of available revenue. This is to provide some flexibility in meeting requirements which arise during the year, which cannot be foreseen at the time of the initial budget.

Parents wishing to know more about how the PAC money is allocated and being used are welcome to attend a PAC meeting (financial position is reported on at each PAC meeting by the Treasurer(s)) or could contact the Treasurer(s) directly.

Deposits and Disbursements

The PAC Treasurers are responsible for managing the PAC finances. This includes:

  • Responsibility for and reporting on the accounts of the PAC
  • Acting as one of the three signing officers of the PAC accounts
  • Preparing a financial report and report on the current financial status at each general meeting
  • Drafting a budget and tentative plan of expenditures with the assistance of the Budget Committee
  • Ensuring that another financial signing officer has access to the books in the event of his/her absence
  • Submitting an annual report.

As caretakers of the financial accounts of the PAC, the Treasurers must ensure that all PAC monies are handled appropriately and that all disbursements of PAC funds are made in accordance with proper financial controls and within the bylaws of the PAC association.

According to our Bylaws:
“All money spent above and beyond a pre-determined petty cash amount ($200) will be first presented to and voted on by the executive, and then approved by a majority at a general meeting.” In order to facilitate the appropriate requesting and documentation of both deposits and payments through the PAC account, the Treasurers have developed a form which is to be used when requesting a cheque for payment of expenses or for doing a deposit for an event or program (see separate document for the form).

Please note:

For cheque requests:

  1. Approval of the expense should be obtained prior to making the purchase for anything over $200. Note that requests cannot be divided into smaller amounts to get around the $200 limit (ie, you cannot split a $300 purchase into two $150 requests).
  2. The request should be done on a timely basis (generally a week from the event)
  3. The appropriate receipts should accompany the request
  4. The receipts should be totaled and should equal the amount on the cheque request.

For deposit requests:

  1. The deposits should be totaled, including the number of cheques and the total amount of the cheques.
  2. All cash should be identified by number of each denomination of the bills. Any coins should be rolled (if there are enough for a roll). Rolling papers are in the PAC filing cabinet. A separate total for the amount of cash should be included.
  3. It should be clear as to what the deposit is for, including subtotals if it is for more than one thing.

When organizing and conducting PAC events, note that the incoming revenues should all be submitted to the Treasurers as deposits. If possible, please keep track of revenues separately (eg, ticket money, food revenue, etc.). Where float money has been provided by an individual, it can be repaid prior to submitting the revenues.

Expenses and their appropriate receipts should be provided separately and submitted to the Treasurer(s) as cheque requests. Where possible, the event expenses should be identified in categories too (eg, food, music, decorations).

Both deposits and cheque requests can be left in the school office in the Treasurers file folder. If there is a significant amount of cash for deposit, please put it in the school “safe” and leave a note to the Treasurer that it has been left there.

Submission of both event revenues and expenses on a timely basis (eg, one week from the event) helps ensure that all revenues and expenses are accounted for and helps keep the financial records up-to-date. The Treasurer(s) appreciate the efforts of event organizers to adhere to these guidelines to make the financial communication and control as straightforward and timely as possible.

October 2024

Mon Oct 21

All Day
Book Fair

Tue Oct 22

All Day
Book Fair

Wed Oct 23

All Day
Book Fair


Next PAC Meeting

Nov 12th 2024 @ 7pm
Click here to join Zoom